Relocation is a big step and is important to get right first time, every time. You need expert advice and support throughout your move - from applying for a visa to finding work, moving your belongings and finding a home. Our consultants can assist you along the whole path aimed to abtain a visa to relocate to Italy.
EU citizens, in any circumstances, are not required to apply for a permit to stay in Italy.
According to law, foreign nationals having entered Italy without a regular entry visa are considered illegal immigrants, whereas foreigners who no longer meet requirements for staying in the national territory (e.g. expired permit of stay not renewed).
Non-EU citizens may enter Italy if they hold a valid passport or equivalent travel document authorizing them to cross the border and an entry visa delivered by their country of origin, if required.
If you are not a Eu citizen moving to Italy might be a little tricky. If that is what you want, though, don't worry, that is what our experts are here for.
Please read carefully the information below and contact us for more accurate advice.
A visa, which consists of a special sticker affixed to the applicant's passport or other valid travel document, is an alien’s authorisation to enter the territory of the Italian Republic or that of the other Contracting Parties for transit or visit purposes.
The visa is issued on the basis of criteria related to the preservation of good international relations and to the protection of national security and public order
Visas issued by Italian foreign missions are valid for access, transit or brief sojourn (up to 90 days) both in Italy and in other countries that apply the Schengen Convention, and this type is known as a “Uniform Schengen Visa” (USV); likewise the USV issued by the diplomatic-consular missions of other countries that apply the Schengen Convention, grants entry into Italy.
A long-term entry visa (for more than 90 days) is called a “National Visa” NV) and grants access for long-term sojourn in the State that issued it allows, on condition it is still valid, the free circulation for a period of no more than 90 days per semester in the territory of other Member States.
Pursuant to the Visa Code (EC Regulation no. 810/2009, which entered into effect on 5 April 2010) visas are divided into three main categories:
1. Uniform Schengen Visas (USV): valid for all the Contracting Parties' territories, issued for
Airport Transit (type A); Transit (type B), type of visa abolished by the above Visa Code. As of 5 April 2010 Transit visas are all type C; brief-sojourn or travel visas (type C), valid for up to 90 days, for single or multiple entry.
Exceptionally, the Schengen regulation enables important or well-known persons who frequently require a visa and who can provide the necessary guarantees, to be issued type C visas which permit a visit of up to 90 days in any half-year and are valid for one (C1), two (C2), three (C3) or five years (C5).
2. Limited Territorial Validity Visas (LTV): these are only valid for the Schengen State whose representative issued the visa (or in particular cases for other Schengen states where specifically named) without any possibility of access to or transit through the territory
of any other Schengen States. They are issued solely for humanitarian reasons, or in the national interest, or under international obligations as an exception to the common USV system. An alien may not directly apply for these visas, which are issued in a few specific cases by the diplomatic or consular representative when it deems it appropriate to issue the visa for the reasons as stated even though not all the conditions are met for the issue of a Uniform Schengen Visa, or when the applicant does not hold a validly recognised travel document, in particular emergencies or in case of need.
3. Long sojourn or "national" Visas (NV), which are only valid for visits that are longer than 90 days (type D), with one or more entries, in the territory of the Schengen State whose diplomatic mission issued the visa. Holders of type D visas are permitted to circulate freely in Schengen countries other than the issuing one for a period of not more than 90 days per half-year and only if the visa is valid.
Authority over visas to enter the Italian Republic is vested in the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its network of accredited diplomatic and consular offices, which are responsible for ascertaining that applicants are in possession of the requisites entitling them to obtain a visa, which is issued by the diplomatic or consular mission with territorial jurisdiction over the place of residence of the applicant.
The authority issuing Uniform Schengen Visa (transit or short sojourn) is the diplomatic mission of the Schengen State present locally which is intended to be the sole or main destination.
Where it is not possible to identify the main destination, in case of several stages in the journey, the visa shall be issued by the diplomatic mission of the Schengen State of entry.
The authority issuing a National Visa (long sojourn) is the diplomatic mission of the Schengen State present locally in the place intended to be the long sojourn destination.
If the Contracting Party competent in issuing the visa does not have a Mission in the alien's country of residence the Uniform Schengen Visa can be issued by the Mission of another Contracting Party on its behalf.
National Visas may not, however, be issued by delegated authority.
The possession of a visa does not give an alien automatic right of entry to Italy, because the border authorities may always refuse entry to an alien who is not in possession of adequate means of subsistence or is unable to provide full details regarding the circumstances of the sojourn in Italy, or for reasons of security or public policy.
No visas (and no extension to previously issued visas) may be granted to aliens who are already on Italian soil.
In exceptional cases the border authorities may issue a transit or short-term sojourn visa (Art.35 of Visa Code).
We provide a preliminary consultancy with an Italian expert in immigration law (fluent in English) designed to answer all of your questions in a clear and concise manner.
The helpful information that you will receive will allow you to better decide which is the service that best suits your need.
Simply fill in the contact form and we will reply to you within 24 hours (business days).